Inductive melting plants
instead of conventional melting furnaces

Schmelzanlage statt Schmelzöfen

Melting metals, iron and steel is easier than ever. With induction melting furnaces, the process makes a big leap towards resource efficiency and workplace quality.

Our Himmelwerk melting plants have been specially developed for the digestion of metallic samples.

The benefits here are also the very fast, time-limited heating time and the resulting pleasant working climate. Occupational safety is always sure with induction melting furnaces.

Where is the inductive melting furnace used?

Quality assurance in laboratories

Our Himmelwerk melting plants are reduced to the essentials so that they can be used flexibly in every laboratory and every production. In doing so, we have not neglected the workplace safety requirements that are necessary when melting metal.
The intuitive operation of the melting plant and the manual operability are also important benefits for laboratories. For example, it is used by manufacturers in the steel and metallurgy industry, but also for manufacturer-independent quality assurance of metallic alloys.

Your process

Inductive melting plants for industry

Whether for your laboratory or for your production – we develop the right induction heating solution for your melting processes.

Zwei Mitarbeiter vor Anlage
Zwei Mitarbeiter an Whiteboard

Our service

Keeping an eye on the future

We are not only reliable at your side when it comes to repairs and maintenance. We also address the further development of solutions.

Your contact

Gian-Pietro Cremona


Gian-Pietro Cremona

Melting WITH


The use of induction melting furnaces always has great benefits in the metal industry. This is because induction heating has a high heating speed, which results in a high throughput. The precise temperature setting reduces energy consumption and unnecessary overheating is avoided. This in turn leads to lower burn-up with savings in the use of metal compared to conventional furnaces. In induction crucible furnaces, the bath movement results in a homogeneous melt. Since local overheating is avoided, burn-up is low and material is saved. The alloy composition can be adjusted very precisely, as can the temperature. Even with cheap substitute material such as scrap and chips, inductive melting achieves good quality in terms of freedom from pores and strength. Since relatively high outputs and large crucible capacities are possible, induction technology is also suitable for bulk casting production in grey iron foundries.


Channel-type induction furnaces differ from the widely used cupola furnaces in several respects: With them, there is practically no more silicon and manganese burn-off and only very little iron burn-off (less than 1 %). There is also no need for desulphurisation processes and only a small amount of effort is required for dust removal. This means that emission specifications can be met more easily – environmental protection thus becomes much easier for metalworking companies. The high energy efficiency of induction, the flexibility and the adjustment reliability in the metallurgical post-treatment of the melt are further benefits of the state-of-the-art technology.